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Hegazy Integrated Solutions

Strategic Planning, Restructuring and Financing Solutions.

We build the future for you

Hegazy Integrated Solutions


Dr. Maha Abd El Razik
Banking expert and Member of the Board of Directors of HSBC

Banking and Consulting Expert with a distinguished career spanning multiple decades in real estate management, financial leasing, mortgage finance, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), wealth management, and retail banking.

Brief Bio 

Current Board Memberships:
Member of the Board of Directors, Egypt Asset Management Company (October 2020 - Present)
Member of the Board of Directors, HSBC Bank (May 2022 - Present)
Member of the Board of Directors, The Egyptians Fund for Real Estate Investment (March 2020 - Present)
Previous Board Memberships:
Member of the Board of Directors, Alfa Real Estate Funds, affiliated with The Egyptians Fund.
Member of the Board of Directors, Industrial and Engineering Projects Company.
Member of the Board of Directors, Ahli for Mortgage Finance.
Member of the Audit Committee.
Member of the Risk Committee.
Member of the Board of Directors, Egyptian Federation for Mortgage Finance.
Member of the Board of Directors, Egypt for Real Estate Development Company.
Member of the Board of Directors, Sharia Supervisory Board at Bank Audi.
Member of the Egyptian National Competitiveness Council (ENCC), Chair of the Financial Leasing Committee.
Member of the Investment Committee at the Awqaf Authority, responsible for banking and real estate investments (Egypt's largest real estate portfolio).
Consulting Experience:
Advisor to the Minister of Local Development for micro-projects (Project K), previously responsible for training, employment, and financing.
Financial Leasing Consultant at LLC Investment Global MMA, New York.
Financial Advisor to two major real estate companies in Egypt.


3 Bahler Corridor in front of Radio Cinema (Suleiman Pasha St.)
Fourth Floor Apartment 14
Cairo, Egypt .


Mobile: +2(0) 1005005205
Phone/Fax:+2(0) 223 950 812
website :